Do I Like The Way I Look?

“Do I like the way I look?”

Ever had that thought crossed your mind while you were looking in the mirror?

You see this guy standing there that you don’t recognize

You have this image in your brain of how you’re supposed to be, and this guy maybe just doesn’t match it. You don’t identify with what you see.

Does that sound familiar?

You might think about the past, reminiscing about the good old days

The days when you were comfortable in your skin, athletic, high energy levels, and full of confidence

What happened along the way?

You started focusing on your career and maybe got yourself a family along the way.

The responsibilities started stacking up and your schedule became more and more hectic

You’ve done great for yourself. You’re great at your job and you take pride in what you do

There is just this one thing that slipped away….. Your health & fitness

Deep inside you know it’s time for a change. You know that continuing down this road is going to have unpleasant consequences for your physical health, mental health, and eventually even your career.

Then it’s time for a change, it’s time to pick up a physical exercise and work your way to achieve the physical body you want.

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