

We were all born happy and full of joy.

And over the days, months, and years of our lives, this starts to change

Our experiences, our parents, our peers, and society start to shift our perspective on life

We develop expectations and complicate our lives with stuff and things. Eventually, we start to forget that our natural state is happiness and joy because we’re too worried about being enough

One of the most impactful lessons that could be learned is how easy it can be to be happy when you let go of your expectations and just enjoy the present moment.

Looking back we could see how the “should haves” and “supposed to’s” have robbed us of our happiness

Dwelling on past “mistakes” or worrying about the unknown future has also stopped us from savoring what is currently happening and enjoying the moment to its fullest

Does this sound familiar?

There are many of us dealing with turbulent times and have lost touch with our own happiness and joy

It’s important to remind ourselves that being happy is a choice. This may sound easy and over-simplified, but it’s not.

It requires doing the inner work every day to shift your perspective so you can develop a new mindset.

One that frees you from anything stopping you from being happy

If happiness is what you truly want then ask yourself what is creating sadness in your life.

Is there an expectation that isn’t being met or are you resentful about the past or fearful of the future?

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