Never investing your money can be a major mistake that can cost you dearly in the long run. While it’s important to work hard and earn a good income, it’s equally important to put your money to work for you by investing it in appreciating assets.

The first reason why never investing is a mistake is that you can’t get wealthy by your own labor alone. While working hard and earning a good income is important, it’s not enough to create true wealth. Investing your money in appreciating assets, such as real estate and index funds, can help you grow your wealth over time and achieve financial freedom.

The second reason is that there simply isn’t enough time in the day to earn enough money solely through labor. Investing allows you to make your money work for you, without requiring additional effort or time on your part.
Finally, cash depreciates with inflation. This means that the value of your cash decreases over time, as the cost of living increases. By investing in appreciating assets, you can protect your money from the effects of inflation and potentially grow your wealth.
In conclusion, never investing your money is a mistake that can cost you dearly in the long run. By investing in appreciating assets such as real estate and index funds, you can grow your wealth over time, achieve financial freedom, and protect your money from the effects of inflation. Remember, investing your money is an essential step towards creating true wealth and achieving your financial goals.