Author: crazzymondayadmin

Preparing For Retirement As A Single Person

Preparing for retirement as a single person requires some unique financial considerations. Without the ability to share expenses or coordinate with a partner, your planning...

Staying Credit Healthy In Tough Times

Economic downturns and financial setbacks can make it difficult to keep your credit score in good shape. When money is tight, you may need to...


The 9-5 Financial Trap: Recognizing and Overcoming Common Mistakes The traditional 9-5 work schedule has been a standard for decades. It provides a steady paycheck,...

The Impact Of Job Loss & How To Overcome

Job loss can be a significant setback, especially when it comes to retirement planning. It can disrupt your income stream, making it difficult to continue...

Why you should use cash to manage expenses?

Credit card debt can quickly spiral out of control if you’re not mindful of your spending habits. Financial advisors often recommend avoiding the use of...

Embracing the Joy of Living in the Moment

In the cult classic film “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” the titular character, Ferris Bueller, famously delivers the line, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t...

The Illusion of Kindness: Five Misguided Actions

Kindness, a virtue synonymous with benevolence, empathy, and compassion, often becomes misconstrued through actions that, on the surface, appear altruistic. However, certain behaviors, despite seeming...