Something Money Can’t Buy

The notion that money equals happiness is an age-old myth. While money can certainly buy comfort and security, it does not guarantee true happiness. Happiness comes from fulfilling relationships, meaningful work, and personal growth – not material wealth.

It’s easy to believe that having more money will make you happier. After all, money allows you to afford basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter. Not having to worry about covering your basic needs reduces stress and discomfort. Money also provides the freedom to indulge in pleasures like dining out, traveling, and various forms of entertainment. Additionally, money offers security against unexpected expenses and financial hardships. So in many ways, having money can help create a lifestyle that feels more enjoyable.


However, numerous studies have shown that after a certain level of income, increased wealth does not equate to increased happiness. Researchers found that happiness rises with income up to about $75,000 per year. After that benchmark, higher salaries provide diminishing returns on happiness. Likewise, wealthy nations as a whole do not report greater levels of happiness than poorer nations, beyond having their basic needs met.

These findings suggest that while money relieves suffering caused by poverty, it does not guarantee joy or satisfaction. There are many miserable, depressed, and chronically unhappy people who live in financial abundance. Money simply cannot buy qualities like meaning, purpose, optimism, gratitude, and strong social connections – all of which have proven links to happiness.

True happiness stems from intrinsic values and pursuits that money cannot provide. For example, people derive profound happiness from close relationships with friends and family. Social connections provide emotional support, understanding, and a sense of belonging – things money can’t buy.