INSPIRATION – Oussam Sidaoui

The concept of retirement has traditionally been associated with reaching a specific age, typically around 65 or 67. However, a shift in mindset is occurring, challenging the notion that retirement is solely determined by age. The idea gaining traction is that retirement is a number, not an age.

This perspective emphasizes the importance of financial preparedness rather than adhering to a predetermined retirement age.

The key consideration is whether an individual has accumulated enough assets and resources to support their desired lifestyle without relying solely on employment income. If someone has sufficient savings, investments, and other sources of income to sustain themselves, they have the freedom to retire whenever they choose, regardless of their age.

This shift in thinking recognizes that people have different financial circumstances, goals, and aspirations. It acknowledges that some individuals may have diligently saved and invested throughout their working years, allowing them to retire earlier than the traditional retirement age.

Conversely, others may need to work beyond the typical retirement age to ensure they have enough financial security for their retirement years.

The concept of retirement as a number rather than an age encourages individuals to take an active role in planning and managing their finances. It promotes the importance of setting financial goals, saving and investing wisely, and regularly assessing one’s financial situation. By focusing on accumulating assets and building a robust financial foundation, individuals can gain more control over their retirement timeline.